Never like these days we see how the beautiful and the tragic aspect of life are intermingled.
It’s clear as the light of day how this global emergency is hitting all of us. At the same time, as we proceed onward from this first month of quarantine – as for Italy – we are probably discovering some kernels of beauty that were not so apparent before.
For me, I have found enormous freedom in the lack of freedom of movement. In the same usual landscape from the condominium’s terrace, I am seeing so many small details, a new courtyard in the far distance, a cat strolling on the roofs, two neighbors-of-balcony making friends, and a couple fighting and then making peace.
And I’m also attending a TONS of live yoga classes… the generosity of my fav yoga teachers is immense and such a gift during these times!
Plus, each Sunday for me is about further subtraction, going on a digital detox from 10am of Saturday, ending up on Monday morning.
During that infinite expansion time I have been reading for hours, like I never had in years. I picked up again old books – like my beloved Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Jorge Amado – and devoted myself to work on the storyboards of my comics.
I could go on for hours detailing my days, but nuff said! Please find below a shorter three-pages comics of Fronn ‘e Limon, like every month. Hope you like it!

Ps: In case you missed it, Fronn ‘e Limon in Italian and Vince Chi Dimentica in Italian and English (Desire for Victory) are out on the Amazon store. Fronn ‘e Limon in English is coming out this week… stay tuned for my next emails!
Now tell me… how are you spending these quiet days?
Wishing you lots of sunny afternoons
Red Naima