Fronn cantico ep.5

May is perhaps my favourite month of the year, along with September. It’s anticipation, the desire for summer slowly coming into being. Things look new and fresh.

Clearly this is going to be a very different May. In Italy we are carefully coming out of quarantine, but clearly things won’t be the same as they used to be.

After 50 days of staying home I walked around my little town for the first time, and things looked more May-ish than ever. New, fresh, different. The planning and vague ideas I had early this February of how to make the old-usual-Sorrento pleasurable, now seemed nonsensical.

This is not the same town is used to be. This is not the same reality we used to live in.

No one knows what will be coming. While acknowledging the hurdles of those affected by economically and health-wise – if we stay open to possibilities this can also become quite exciting.

I could write volumes about how staying home for such an extended period of time ended up so freeing. But I want to keep this relatively short, so please find below your mini-episode of Fronn ‘e Limon.

This one is actually part of a bigger story, that will be collected along the other one-shots of this newsletter in a big volume called Fronn ‘e Limon CANTICO. It will be published next year, so stay tuned.

In with the new!

Red Naima

PS: My 2009 graphic novel called “TUFO” has just been published in Italian. You can find it here.